World Religion Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo, ed., World Religion Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
Ashkenazis The larger of the 2 great divisions of Jews comprising the eastern European Yiddish-speaking Jews, arising in the Rhineland in the 10th century, 5.7 million exterminated by Nazis, still 84% of all worlds Jews today.
ashram, asrama (Sanskrit). A religious retreat center for a colony of disciples, mainly in India.
astrology A pseudo-science claiming to foretell the future by studying supposed influence of moon, planets, and stars on human affairs.
atheism Disbelief in the existence of God or any other deity, the doctrine that there is no God; godlessness.
atheism, study of A number of universities and research centers in the Communist world profess to study atheism; what in practice they study is religion, the survival of religion, and methods of eradicating it.
atheistic freedom Freedom not to believe, and freedom to oppose religion.
atheists Persons who deny the existence of God, gods, or the supernatural.
atheists Militantly anti-religious or anti-Christian agnostics, secularists, or marxists.
autoglossonym Name for a peoples own language as used by the people themselves in their own language; often with prefix or suffix meaning the language of.
autonym Indigenous or own name for a language; autoglossonym.
Available_Translations Languages in which documentation of the survey questionnaire are available.
awqaf (Arabic: plural of waqf). Muslim trusts or foundations.
ayatollah (Persian). Shia Muslim leader or cleric of great personal accomplishment, holiness, and renown.
Bahai The doctrine and practice of a sect founded in Iran in the 19th century that emphasizes the spiritual unity of mankind and advocates peace and universal education.
Baha'is Followers of the Bahai World Faith, founded in 1844 by Bahaullah in what is now Iran.
belief Statistics of personal belief have been widely investigated in public-opinion polls and surveys. Typical questions, with nation-wide adult percentage of Yes responses: Do you believe in a God? (1948) Brazil 96%, Australia 95%, Canada 95%, USA 94%, Norway 84%, UK 84%, Finland 83%, Netherlands 80%, Sweden 80%, Denmark 80%, France 66%; (1968) UK 74%; (1970) Netherlands 81%; (1973) Canada 67%, UK 77%; (1975) UK 72%; (1979) UK 73%. Do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God? (1957) USA 90%, UK 71% , (1975) Spain 61%. Do you believe that Jesus Christ will ever return to earth? (1960) USA 55%. Can a person be a Christian if he does not go to church? (1957) UK 85%, USA 78%. Have you been born again through committing yourself to Christ? (1976) USA 34%.
believer One who believes or professes a religious faith; often used only of Christians, but sometimes of all religions.
bilinguals Persons speaking or understanding a second language in addition to their own mother tongue.
billion 1,000 millions (American usage; British, French, and German usage is a million millions).
Bohras Mustali Ismailis.
Bon The pre-Buddhist animistic religion of Tibet.
Botika Digambara (qv).
Buddhists Followers of the Buddha, mostly across Asia, including three main traditions: (a) Mahayana (Greater Vehicle); (b) Theravada (Teaching of the Elders); (c) Tibetan (Lamaists); plus (d) traditional Buddhist sects, but excluding neo-Buddhist new religions or religious movements.
cargo cults Religious movements in Oceania based on prophecies that if appropriate religious rites are performed, God will send ships and aircraft filled with cargo and goods.
caste A social or socio-religious stratum or stratification, any hereditary and exclusive class based on socio-religious beliefs, in India, one of the 30,000 groupings, classified under 4 hereditary classes, into which society is divided in accordance with a system of rank and status fundamental to Hinduism.
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