World Religion Database: glossary

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo, ed., World Religion Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Glossary item Definition
monolinguals Persons speaking or understanding only one language, namely their mother tongue.
monoreligion An ethnoreligion restricted in membership to one culture or people.
moribund microreligion A very small organized local religion, rapidly declining, with under 100 adherents.
Mormons Followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints and its over 90 schismatic bodies.
mosque (Arabic, masjid). A Muslim place of public religious worship.
mother tongue Main language of a persons home or childhood; the first language spoken in an individuals home in his early or earliest childhood; ones first language or native language.
mullah Among Persians, Pakistanis and North Indians, a Muslim religious practitioner or cleric.
multi-counted Religionists who are counted as adherents by several separate religions, requiring care to avoid overestimation in statistical totals.
multilinguals Persons speaking or using or understanding, or fluent in, more than 2 distinct languages.
multimillionaire An individual worth many tens of millions of USA dollars.
multiple_languages Whether multiple languages were offered to survey participant.
multiple-counted religionists Persons counted as belonging to , or part of, or regarded as in, more than 2 distinct religions.
Muslim religious orders In Arabic, tariqa (qv).
Muslims Followers of Islam, in two primary branches: (a) Sunni; and (b) Shia. Other, significantly smaller, branches include Kharijite, Sanusi, Mahdiya, Ahmadiya, Druzes, and Sabbateans.
mysticism The experience of mystical union or direct communion with God; the doctrine or belief that direct communion with God is attainable.
myth A traditional story explaining some practice, belief, institution or natural phenomenon, parable, allegory, legend, saga, fable.
mythology The myths dealing with gods and demigods of a particular people.
Nasoreans Mandaeans (qv).
nation A politically-organized nationality with independent, self-governing, autonomous existence as a sovereign country or nation-state, hence eligible for membership in the United Nations.
native language Mother tongue (qv).
nativistic movement Among tribal or primitive peoples, a movement advocating or advancing the perpetuation or reestablishment of native culture traits and a concomitant restriction or removal of foreign culture elements often accompanied by a strong messianic or ceremonial cult.
natural increase Births in a population minus deaths within a fixed period, usually one year. Sometimes a figure for net immigration is added.
neo-Buddhist Relating to a new or recent Buddhist sect or movement.
neo-Hindus Followers of new or recent Hindu sects, offshoots, or movements, including Divine Light Mission.
neologism Any new word, or new meaning for an established word, with particular reference to explanation of religion, religions, and religious phenomena.
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