World Religion Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo, ed., World Religion Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2020_country Country Name Name of this Country.
version_2020_country Country Pop 1900 This figure represents the country's total population in 1900.
version_2020_country Country Pop 1910 This figure represents the country's total population in 1910.
version_2020_country Country Pop 1930 This figure represents the country's total population in 1930.
version_2020_country Country Pop 1950 This figure represents the country's total population in 1950.
version_2020_country Country Pop 1970 This figure represents the country's total population in 1970.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2000 This figure represents the country's total population in 2000.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2005 This figure represents the country's total population in 2005.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2010 This figure represents the country's total population in 2010.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2015 This figure represents the country's total population in 2015.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2020 This figure represents the country's total population in 2020. [primary source: UN: World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision].
version_2020_country Country Pop 2020 (base year) This figure represents the country's total population in 2020. [primary source: UN: World Population Prospects: The 2019 Revision].
version_2020_country Country Pop 2021 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2021.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2022 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2022.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2023 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2023.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2024 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2024.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2025 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2025.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2030 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2030.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2050 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2050.
version_2020_country Country Pop 2100 Given current trends, this figure represents a projection of this country's population by mid 2100.
version_2020_country Daoist % Number of Daoists as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020. These are followers of one of the 3 major religions of China, regarded as part of Chinese folk religion.
version_2020_country Daoists Number of Daoists in this country's population. These are followers of one of the 3 major religions of China, regarded as part of Chinese folk religion.
version_2020_country Death % Death rate for this country as a percentage per year. Source material is expressed as cases per 1000. Primary source: United Nations 2019.
version_2020_country Education % Population with at least some secondary education (% aged 25 and above). Primary source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2018) or Barro and Lee (2016) (in HDR 2018: most recent year in the period 2006-2017).
version_2020_country Ethnic religionist % Number of Ethnic religionists as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020. "Ethnic religionists" is a collective term for primal religionists, animists, spirit-worshippers, shamanists, ancestor-venerators, polytheists, pantheists, traditionalists (in Africa), local or tribal folk-religionists; including adherents of neo-paganism or non-Christian local or tribal syncretistic or nativistic movements, cargo cults, witchcraft eradication cults, possession healing movements, tribal messianic movements; still occasionally termed pagans, heathen, fetishists; usually confined each to a single tribe or people, hence tribal or local as opposed to universal (open to any or all peoples).
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